Saturday 17 December 2011

Algebra as geometry

I love this simple, obvious geometric proof that (x + y)^2 = x^2 + 2xy + y^2. I wish someone has shown this to me when they first taught me algebra; it would have made things a lot clearer to me.

[Image from:]

Pi is wrong [!]

This site argues that that 2 * pi (= tau) would be a more rational (ha ha!) constant to use than pi. Radical proposition, dude.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Microscopic working engine

I love microscopic machines. "German physicists say they've built a heat engine measuring only a few micrometers across which works as well as a normal-sized version - although it sputters, they admit."

Monday 12 December 2011

First Planet Confirmed Within "Habitable Zone" According to NASA

Of the thousands of planets that could possibly hold life, only one (so far) has been confirmed to be within the "perfect" location for liquefaction of water (as opposed to being on the edge). Read the full article on Kepler-22b here.

M of the M: December

Mario of the month for December. Found here.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Have they discovered the God particle?

The long-sought Higgs boson particle may be been discovered. This is "the elementary particle hypothesized to be the origin of the mass of all matter", sometimes called 'the God particle'.

Text from:\
Image from the Wikipedia article on the Higgs boson.

Friday 2 December 2011

Glitch has glitches...

Two months after launching, the on-line game Glitch is unlaunching to re-tool.

Minecraft Super Mario!

This is a testament to the human spirit...what a huge undertaking!