Tuesday 27 October 2009

Rules for my unborn son

Although I don't agree with all the advice, I do enjoy the blog Rules for my Unborn Son, which consists of 1001 rules written by a Dad for his son.

I do agree with Rule 387.

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Wednesday 21 October 2009

Proof that 1 is the largest integer

Let N be the largest positive integer. Then either N = 1 or N > 1.

If N > 1 then N*N > N, which breaks our definition of N as the largest integer. Therefore N = 1.

Via: Futility Closet

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Saturday 17 October 2009

Thursday 1 October 2009

Control your Mac with a Wiimote

Wii with Wiimote (transparent background with ...Image via Wikipedia

Check out these instructions for controlling your Mac with a Wii remote. I'm not totally sure why you'd want to, but you can! (You could control iTunes from a distance, which could be handy.)

I enjoy the instructions: "Once you have the Wii Remote, be sure to take it out of the package and put the batteries in it. "

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